IITK65 Reunion Org – Meetings Minutes

Palm Springs – November 3, 2018 – Meeting Minutes

  1.  The group thanked Vrajesh, Adarsh, Akhilesh, Bina, Suman, and Vineeta for a job well done in organizing the Palm Spring Reunion. The facility, activities and organization were all excellent.  They put in a lot of effort so that all of us could have a great time.   They have certainly set a very high bar for future reunions.
  2. Ish explained that our organization is registered as a non-profit organization with the IRS. We have to file annual returns.  It would be appropriate to properly organize ourselves with a charter and some governance procedures.  Ish and Uday have worked on a proposed charter for the organization.  Copies were handed out for discussion.

There was some discussion on the proposed charter.   It was adopted unanimously by those present.  The members who voted are marked by a “check” in the attached list of Attendees.

  1. The next order of business was the election of officers. Ish, Uday and Prem have been acting as the de-facto officers till now.

There was some discussion.  The group unanimously elected the following officers.  They will hold office until the next reunion.

Organization Leader: Ish Sud

Deputy Leader / Communications Manager: Uday Mahagaokar

Treasurer: Prem Gupta

4.  The venue/format for the future reunions was discussed. The previous reunions have been:

2018       Palm Springs

2017       Cancun

2016       Toronto

2015       Atlantic City

For the 2019 reunion, there was sentiment to try something new – perhaps a cruise.   There was discussion on options.  The two options that surfaced to the top were: a cruise, or an all-inclusive at a location other than the Cancun area.

Potential options for a cruise include the Mediterranean, Bermuda, the Caribbean, Asia, etc.  Our batch mates in India might be encouraged to join if we did a cruise of the Mediterranean.  There was sentiment of the group was that the cruise should be limited to about four days.  This will limit the available options.

The options for an all-inclusive were discussed.  These included Costa Rice, Jamaica, The Pacific coast, Puerto Rico, etc.  Cancun was a success and something similar would be good.

The group voted on the options of a cruise or an all-inclusive.  The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of an all-inclusive.  The all-inclusive was a clear choice.

Ish asked for volunteers to help him plan the 2019 reunion.  A committee was formed to plan the all-inclusive.  It consisted of Ish, Uday and Raj.  Subsequent to the meeting Vrajesh, Prem and Akhilesh also volunteered to help.

The 2020 reunion was discussed.  Since it will be the 50th anniversary of our graduation, the institute might organize an event in India. Should we combine our reunion with the Institute and do an event in India?  The sentiment was that most of us will not be able to participate in the event at the Institute, so we should proceed with organizing our own reunion.

Deepak Raj volunteered the host the 2020 reunion at Princeton NJ.  His offer was very enthusiastically accepted by the group.  We are all looking forward to hearing about the details and helping the NJ group put it together.

  1. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.